الأخبار » Mass Communication

The orientation day of the Faculty of Mass Communication

The Faculty of Mass Communication– MTI University, held an orientation day for the fresh students under the sponsorship of Prof. / Olfat Kamel - the University President- on Wednesday, the 31st of October, 2018.

Prof. / EL-Sayed Bahnasy, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, the following Heads of the Departments, and the Faculty Staff have attended this meeting, welcomed the students and wished them success in their studies at the different departments of the Faculty:

Prof. / Alaa Al-Shami (Head of Journalism Department)
Dr. / Dr. Miral Mostafa (Head of Radio and Television Department)
Dr. /Reem Al-Asfouri (Head of Public Relations and Advertisement Department)


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اختر الفقرة الغنائية الأولى بحفل خريجي الجامعة الحديثة للتكنولوجيا والمعلومات يوم ٢٠ ابريل بمركز المنارة؟

اختر الفقرة الغنائية الأولى بحفل خريجي الجامعة الحديثة للتكنولوجيا والمعلومات يوم ٢٠ ابريل بمركز المنارة؟
موقع جامعة MTI