عن جامعة MTI

الرؤية والرسالة


The mission of the university is to prepare our students for life challenges they will meet in their lives through:
1- Offering a quality of education which focuses on preparing groups of specialists who can work efficiently and competently in different job fields which are available locally and regionally.

2- Confirming the comprehensiveness and integration of the university's society and optimizing the use of all capabilities through mutual initiative among the faculties of the university.

3- Continuous development of the means of education and encouraging the use of new teaching methods in Egyptians education, and encouraging online education in all specialties.

4- Expanding the establishment of specialized centers for scientific and training activities in addition to student's activities or activities which are related to environmental development, such as foreign languages and modern information systems.

MTI University will set the standards for a creative educational system through developing the region's most promising students and preparing them to be benefiting to the society as a whole.


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اختر الفقرة الغنائية الأولى بحفل خريجي الجامعة الحديثة للتكنولوجيا والمعلومات يوم ٢٠ ابريل بمركز المنارة؟

اختر الفقرة الغنائية الأولى بحفل خريجي الجامعة الحديثة للتكنولوجيا والمعلومات يوم ٢٠ ابريل بمركز المنارة؟
موقع جامعة MTI