Personal Data:
Full Name: Fouad Mohamed Eissa Aref
Date of birth: 21/10/1953
Academic & Qualification:
1. Ph.D. (Economics), “Impacts of Foreign Trade Liberalization in Egypt – Analysis using a Computable General Equilibrium Model”, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo University, 2002.
2. MSc. (Economics), “The Role of Counter Trade in the Economies of Developing Countries – The case of Jordan for the period (1980 – 1990)”, Faculty of Economics & Administration sciences, Yarmouk University, Jordan, 1993.
3. BSc. (Commerce), Accounting Dept., Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University, 1976, (Grade Very Good).
Training Programs:
1. The MSM Executive Program in Management Specialization: Enterprise Restructuring & Privatization, Cairo Egypt. Prepared By: Maastricht School of Management (MSM) in Cooperation with Regional Information
Technology Institute – RITI, March 1997.
2. Certificate of The World Bank Institute, FINANCIAL, ICT AND ITES SERVICES TRADE. Training of Trainers and Executive Course for MENA Countries, June 28th -July 2nd 2010 at the Joint Vienna Institute (JVI), Vienna, Austria.
3. Certificate of Export Auditing and capacity building in SME’s organized by the Islamic Centre for Development of Trade, Casablanca, Morocco 2007.
4. Certificate of Socially Responsible Enterprise Restructuring and Effective Privatization” Turin – Italy, 2002.
5. Certificate of Macro Economic Analysis applied to International Economic Data, 1999, at Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo University
6. Certificate of completion "Training of Trainers Program" consisting of five courses through 13 January – 11 February, 2008 at Egyptian Banking Institute, Central Bank of Egypt.
7. Certificate of The World bank Institute in the Course of Improving Statistics of International Trade in Services International Workshop in Durban, South Africa, June 15 and 16, 2009.
Professional and Academic Experiences:
1/ 7/ 2014 – till now:
Head of the Economics Dept., Associate Professor of Economics, Faculty of Management, MTI University.
2004/2005 – 2013/2014:
Lecturer of Economics – Higher Institute for Management Sciences and Foreign Trade
July 1st 2001 – September 2004:
Senior Economic Expert at Minister’s Technical Office, The Ministry of Trade & Industry.
January 1997 – June 30th, 2001:
Senior Economic Expert at The Decision Support Sector at The Egyptian Cabinet IDSC, Economic Analyst.
1994 – 1996:
Financial Manager at The Middle East Investment Co. “Holding Co.” Giza- Egypt.
1988 – 1992:
Economic Researcher and Senior Accountant at The Egyptian Jordanian Company for Investment & Development “Holding Co.” Amman – Jordan.
1983 – 1987:
Financial Analyst at R & D Department, and Accounts Section Head at Cairo Amman Bank, Jordan.
1979 – 1984:
Instructor of Economics, and Financial Markets, at Balqaa University, Amman, Jordan.
Supplementary Professional Activities:
1. Instructor at The Egyptian Banking Institute (Central Bank of Egypt) to train several topics: Strategic Planning, Budget ,Monetary Policy, Financial Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis, Accounting Standards, Costing Accounting, The Accounting in Banking Sector, Financial Markets, Financial Statements, Assets and Liabilities Analysis from: 2002 till now.
2. Instructor in Sadat Academy in Mathematical Economics for Higher Studies (Master Degree), 2006.
3. Instructor of Economics, and The Egyptian Financial Environment, “Institutions, Markets & Instruments”, Taxation, Global Finance, GATT & State Budget at Information Technology Institute – ITI, the Egyptian Cabinet IDSC, Cairo, Egypt, 1998, 1999, 2000.
4. Instructor of Economics, and The Egyptian Financial Environment, “Institutions, Markets & Instruments”, Taxation, Global Finance, GATT & State Budget “Part Time” at the Regional Information Technology Institute –RITI, Cairo, Egypt, 2000 – 2003.
5. Internal Auditor “Part Time” at The Foxe- boroe Co., Amman, Jordan, 1982- 1984.
6. Prepared a Manual for Accounts and Banking Operations for Cairo - Amman Bank, Jordan.1983.
7. Introduced a technical and structural system for training the employees of Cairo Amman Bank, at the Bank’s Training Institute 1984.
Membership of Academic Associations:
1. A member of the Egyptian Association for Political Economics, Legislation & Statistics, Cairo, Egypt.
2. A Member of The Commerce Syndicate, Egypt.
Professional Certificates:
1. Certificate of Socially Responsible Enterprise Restructuring and Effective Privatization” Turin – Italy, October 2002.
2. Certificate of Macro Economic Analysis applied to International Economic Data, 1999, at The Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo University.
3. Certificate of Enterprise Restructuring and Privatization, the managerial perspective (prepared by “Maastricht school of management - MSM.” In Cooperation with Regional Information Technology Institute – RITI), March, 1997.
4. Certificate of Computer Course in Word, Excel, Power point Programming (Prepared by “Arab Community College, Jordan”).
5. Certificate of Internet Course (Prepared by “Jordan University”).
1. A member of the Egyptian Association for Political Economics, Legislation & Statistics, Cairo, Egypt.
2. A Member of The Commerce Syndicate, Egypt.
3. Certificate of Socially Responsible Enterprise Restructuring and Effective Privatization” Turin – Italy, October 2002.
4. Certificate of Macro Economic Analysis applied to International Economic Data, 1999, at The Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo University.
5. Certificate of Enterprise Restructuring and Privatization, the managerial perspective (prepared by “Maastricht school of management - MSM.” In Cooperation with Regional Information Technology Institute – RITI), March, 1997.
6. Certificate of Computer Course in Word, Excel, Power point Programming (Prepared by “Arab Community College, Jordan”).
7. Certificate of Internet Course (Prepared by “Jordan University”).
1. Econometrics.
2. Mathematical Economics.
3. Monetary policy.
4. Intermediate Macroeconomics.
5. Intermediate Microeconomics.
6. Public Finance.
7. Welfare Economics.
8. International Trade.
9. Money and Banking.
1. Economics of Customs and Sales Tax, 2013. (English Version)
2. Economics of Customs and Sales Tax, 2011. (Arabic Version)
3. Importing and Exporting Procedures – In the Era of New World Trade System, 2010. (English Version)
4. Importing and Exporting Procedures – In the Era of New World Trade System, 2009. (Arabic Version)
5. Public Finance, 2009.
6. Economics of Small and Medium Enterprises, 2008. (Arabic version)
7. International Economic Relations, 2008. (Arabic Version)
8. Feasibility Studies, 2007.
9. International Economic Relations, 2006. (English Version)
10. Introduction to the Banking Sector, 1983.
11. Banking Accounting, 1984.
1. The Impact of Rules of Origin on Trade Flows Between Arab Countries Under GAFTA, March 2013.
2. The Impact of the QIZ on the performance of the Egyptian exports to the United States of America “A case study of Egypt compared to Jordan”, July 2013.
3. The Role of Governance and Stress Tests in Regulating the Performance in the Banking Sector in Egypt, January 2013.
4. The Impacts of Egyptian Foreign Trade on the levels of Economic Growth, March 2012.
5. Fundamentals of Establishing of Preferential Trade Area (PTA) between Arab and African Countries “Benefits of Economic Integration”, December 2011.
6. A Comparative Advantage for the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Products in the African Markets “Challenges & Opportunities”, April 2010.
7. The likely Impacts of Free Trade Agreement on Trade Flows Between Egypt and Russia “An Application of the Gravity Model Approach”, January 2012.
8. The Social Responsibility of the Private Sector in Egypt, “An Empirical Case to measure and evaluate Corporate Social Responsibility”, April 2009.
9. The Fiscal Policy and its tools in Egypt, June, 2000.
10. The Egyptian Financial Environment, Institution, Financial Markets & Instruments, Egypt, 1999.
11. Money Laundry Phenomena, 1999.
12. Free Zones Management, 2000
13. Trade related of Investment Measures “TRIMs” under WTO, 1998.
14. Growth Theories as Strategies for Economic Development, 1994, Egypt.
15. Development of employed & output levels in the Economic thought, 1994, Egypt.
16. System for Accounting & Banking Operation, Amman, Jordan, 1986.
17. Rights and obligations of Egypt under GATT – WTO., 1997.
18. Tariff barriers and non – tariff barriers in the International Trade Under GATT, Oct. 1997.
19. Impact of Trade Liberalization on Trade & Industry of automobile in Egypt, 1998.
20. Impact of Trade Liberalization on Trade & Industry of Textile and Garments in Egypt, 1997.
21. The secured determinants for the Public Debt, reasons and solutions, June, 1998.
22. The Social Dimension in the project of state Budget of Egypt, Physical Year, 1999/2000.
23. The Dumping is the other face of GATT & subsidy Department in Egypt, 1999.
Published Textbooks:
1. Economics of Customs and Sales Tax, 2013. (English Version)
2. Economics of Customs and Sales Tax, 2011. (Arabic Version)
3. Importing and Exporting Procedures – In the Era of New World Trade System, 2010. (English Version)
4. Importing and Exporting Procedures – In the Era of New World Trade System, 2009. (Arabic Version).
5. Public Finance, 2009.
6. Economics of Small and Medium Enterprises, 2008. (Arabic version)
7. International Economic Relations, 2008. (Arabic Version).
8. Feasibility Studies, 2007.
9. International Economic Relations, 2006. (English Version).
10. Principles of Microeconomics, 2017. (English & Arabic Versions).
11. Principles of Macroeconomics, 2016. (English & Arabic Versions).
12. Money and Banking, 2014.
13. International Trade, 2015.
Academic Lectures:
1. Instructor at The Egyptian Banking Institute (Central Bank of Egypt) to train several topics: Strategic Planning, Budget ,Monetary Policy, Financial Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis, Accounting Standards, Costing Accounting, The Accounting in Banking Sector, Financial Markets, Financial Statements, Assets and Liabilities Analysis from: 2002 till now.
2. Instructor in Sadat Academy in Mathematical Economics for Higher Studies (Master Degree), 2006.
3. Instructor of Economics, and The Egyptian Financial Environment, “Institutions, Markets & Instruments”, Taxation, Global Finance, GATT & State Budget at Information Technology Institute – ITI, the Egyptian Cabinet IDSC, Cairo, Egypt, 1998, 1999, 2000.
4. Instructor of Economics, and The Egyptian Financial Environment, “Institutions, Markets & Instruments”, Taxation, Global Finance, GATT & State Budget “Part Time” at the Regional Information Technology Institute –RITI, Cairo, Egypt, 2000 – 2003.
Academic Workshops:
1. Certificate of The World Bank Institute, FINANCIAL, ICT AND ITES SERVICES TRADE. Training of Trainers and Executive Course for MENA Countries, June 28th -July 2nd 2010 at the Joint Vienna Institute (JVI), Vienna, Austria.
2. Certificate of Export Auditing and capacity building in SME’s organized by the Islamic Centre for Development of Trade, Casablanca, Morocco 2007.
3. Certificate of Socially Responsible Enterprise Restructuring and Effective Privatization” Turin – Italy, 2002.
4. Certificate of Macro Economic Analysis applied to International Economic Data, 1999, at Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo University
5. Certificate of completion "Training of Trainers Program" consisting of five courses through 13 January – 11 February, 2008 at Egyptian Banking Institute, Central Bank of Egypt.
6. Certificate of The World bank Institute in the Course of Improving Statistics of International Trade in Services International Workshop in Durban, South Africa, June 15 and 16, 2009.