Mai Mahmoud Abd El-Latif

Personal Data:
- Full Name: Mai Mahmoud Abd Ellatif
- E-mail:
- Date of birth: 1-3-1986

1- Doctorate of Mass communication (Ph.D.) 
Cairo university
Public relations & advertising department 
Degree: First class honors degree with printing and exchanging recommendation 
Egypt, Giza 

2- Masters of Mass communication (MA) 
Cairo university
Public relations & advertising department
Degree: First class honors degree with printing and exchanging recommendation 
Egypt, Giza 
2009 -2012

3- Pre Masters 
Cairo university
Public relations & advertising department
Grade: very good
Egypt , Giza

4- Bachelor of Mass communication (BA)
Cairo university
Public relations & advertising department
Grade: very good with honor – 5th rank
Egypt , Giza
2004 - 2007

5- High school – literacy 
El. Fadl Modern School
Grade: 98.5 %
Egypt - Giza 

1- PHD – PR & advertising – Mass Communication - Title of Thesis: Organization publics relationship management while crisis – case studies.

2- Masters – PR & advertising – Mass communication – Title of thesis: the effectiveness of PR special events on publics attitudes and purchasing intensions”
• Teaching assistant – from 2008 to 2012- at Modern university for technology &information - Assisting professors in the education process in classes at general subjects and PR & advertising specialization as follows: 
1- Social Marketing. 
2- Methods of Mass Communication Research.
3- Uses of Internet in Mass communication. 
4- Radio & TV advertising.
5- Advertising management & its economics
6- Marketing communication. 
7- Introduction to public relations and advert
8- Modern European Media
9- Mass Communication Theories
10- Local and international media organizations

• Assistant lecturer – from 2012 till present - at Modern university for technology &information – Lecturing courses from fall 2009 till present at PR department in the following subjects:
1- Special topic in PR & advertising.
2- Planning communication campaigns.
3- Marketing communication
4- Direct and electronic marketing
5- Mass communication in foreign language.
6- Mas communication Translation (3)
7- Mas communication Translation (4)
8- Social Marketing 

Courses related to marketing communications, PR and advertising planning, Market research, advertising arts and Mass communication translations for different levels. 

1- Published research paper under titled “Elite usage of printed journalism and its relationship with electoral behavior”. Research paper was published in Egyptian magazine in mass media research – second edition – September 2012.  
2- Published research paper under titled “New approaches of organizational relationship management with external publics “OPR” – published in Journal of Middle East PR research – N. 15 – June 2017.
3- Published research paper under titled “the effectiveness of crisis communication response strategies and organizational reputation – case study” - published in Journal of Middle East PR research – N. 16 – July 2017.

1- Participated in the 1st conference in Ahram Canadian University about “Mass media future after Arabs revolutions”, September 2012.
2- Attended “Mass communication and women issues” conference – Modern university for technology and information – 2016.
3- Attended “Media & terrorism” conference - Modern university for technology and information – 2015.

Academic Lectures:
Have 10 years’ experience of academic lecturing in the courses mentioned previously.  

Academic Workshops:
1- Participated in academic workshop under titled “New approaches in mass communication teaching in Egyptian universities”. Workshop held in Modern university for technology and information from 4 to 13 of September 2015. In cooperation with AREEJ association from Jordan and AREACORE. 
2- Attended series of practical workshops about “Quality assurance applications in private universities” – Modern university for technology and information – 2015 till present. 

Member in several administrative, academic, and cultural activities in the University, include:
1- Suprevision of “24” PR & advertising graduation projects whether for social or commercial campaigns.
2- Academic advising.
3- Member of the control committee.
4- Member of university of Wales coordination team.
5- Managing administrative responsibilities.
6- Working on developing student’s potentials and helping them in their projects and assignments.
7- Organizing seminars, cultural forums and different special events for the faculty.
8- Member in social activities committee.
9- Forming and organizing internal workshops to develop student’s skills in creative thinking and advertisement designs. 
10- Organizing seminars, cultural forums and different academic special events.

1- Market Researcher at Perception Company for Public Relations and advertising communications, (2007-2008).
2- Free-lancer Market Researcher at IPSOS Company for research and communication, (2007-2008).
3- Research Assistant in favor of UNESCO "planning, conducting & evaluating social marketing campaign about illiteracy in Egypt" (3/2008- 10/ 2008).
4- Member of Resala Serving community – 2009 till present.

Prof. Rasem El. Gamal 
Professor -  Mass communication faculty – PR department.  
Cairo university- Egypt. 
Contacts: +201066780279. 

Dr. Kariman Mohamed Farid
Assistant Professor – Mass communication faculty – PR department.  
Cairo university- Egypt. 
Contacts: +201001480480. 002- 22663299 , Karimanfarid

Prof. Dr. Thouraya El. Badwy 
Professor -  Mass communication faculty – PR department.  
Cairo university- Egypt. 
Contacts: +201006540098.

Managerial Skills
1- Time Management
2- Presentation & Communication.
3- Crisis management 

Computer Skills:
1- Efficiency in using Windows 10.
2- Efficiency in Microsoft office applications.
3- Internet user.

1- Native speaker of Arabic
2- Excellent English command “written and spoken”.


اقرأ أيضا
الأحداث القادمة
اعرض كل الأحداث
شاركنا رأيك
اختر الفقرة الغنائية الأولى بحفل خريجي الجامعة الحديثة للتكنولوجيا والمعلومات يوم ٢٠ ابريل بمركز المنارة؟

اختر الفقرة الغنائية الأولى بحفل خريجي الجامعة الحديثة للتكنولوجيا والمعلومات يوم ٢٠ ابريل بمركز المنارة؟
موقع جامعة MTI