Nasr Antar Mahmoud

Name: Nasr Antar Mahmoud Elkhateeb.
Email address :

Bachelor degree in Electronics and communication Engineering.
Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University
Final grade: Very Good with honor
Project title: Integration of an Attitude Determination System (ADC) with an On Board Computer
Project grade : Excellent

Master Thesis
Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University
Dept. Electronics and Communication Engineering.
M.SC Title: "Stabilization of Discrete-Time Linear Uncertain Systems subjected to Polyhedral State and Input Control Constraints"

Ph.D Thesis
Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.
Dept. Electronics and Communication Engineering.
Ph.D. Courses Grade: 3.95
Qualification Exam: Succeeded.
Ph.D. subject: Artificial intelligent & automatic control engineering.

From: September 2014 to Present
Senior Teaching Assistant in Modern University for Technology and Information (MTI)

From: September 2006 to August 2014
Senior Teaching Assistant in Institute of Aviation and Engineering Technology (IAET)

From: January 2012 to Present
Reviewer in Asian Journal of Control

1- Circuits & Linear Systems theory
2- Automatic Control Systems
3- Computer and Memory Interfacing.
4- Antenna Wave Propagation
5- Advanced Electronics "VLSI"
6- Analog / Digital Electronics
7- Logic Circuits and logic design
8- Data structures
9- Object Oriented Programming (C++)
10- Differential Equations
11- Probability Theory

Research field in Control:
1- Model Predictive Control (MPC)
2- Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
3- Genetic Optimization (GA)
4- Artificial Bee Colony (ABC)
5- Adaptive Control
6- Neural Network
7- Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
8- Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC)

Research field in Electronic and Computer:
1- VLSI technology
2- ASIC -Digital Design Field
3- Printed Circuit Boards Design and layout
4- IC layout and design flow steps
5- Digital/Analog Design and verification steps
6- DRC &LVS Check and verification
7- Place& Route
8- Good knowledge of Software Engineering
9- Good knowledge of VHDL
10- Good experience in using SPICE simulation

1. N.A. Elkhateeb, R. Badr, A. Abouelsoud, “Enlarging parameter uncertainties for a class of constrained Discrete-Time linear systems” The Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 167-173, 2010.

2. N.A. Elkhateeb, R. Badr, A. Abouelsoud, “Robust controller for a class of constrained discrete-time systems with enlarged parameter uncertainties The Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 250-259, 2011.

3. N.A. Elkhateeb, R. Badr, A. Abouelsoud, "Constrained Linear State Feedback Controller for a Low-Power Gas Turbine Model", Journal of Control Engineering and Technology (JCET), Vol.4,No.1,pp.66-75,2014.

4. Elkhateeb, N.A. and Badr, R.I. „A comparative study of artificial bee colony versus PSO and GA for optimal tuning of PID controller‟, International Journal of Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning, Vol.5, No.11, pp.457-463, 2013.

5. N.A. Elkhateeb, R. Badr, “Optimal PID Controller Tuning Based on Artificial Bee Colony: A Comparative Study", The Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 184-192, 2014.

6. N.A. Elkhateeb, R. Badr, “Dynamic Inertia Weight Artificial Bee Colony versus GA and PSO for Optimal Tuning of PID Controller ", Int. J. Modeling, Identification and Control, Vol.22, No.4, 2014.

7. N.A. Elkhateeb, R. Badr, “Optimum PID Tuning using Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm", The Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 425-429, 2015.

8. N.A. Elkhateeb, R. Badr, “Optimal Design of Multivariable Controller for Nonlinear Systems Using Variable Population Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm", WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, Volume 11, 2016, pp. 12-19.

1- 2nd International Conference of Industrial Academia collaboration, Cairo, Egypt
2- 5th International Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control, Cairo, Egypt

1. Elkhateeb, N.A and Badr, R.I. „Employing artificial bee colony with dynamic inertia weight for optimal tuning of PID controller‟, 5th International Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control, Cairo, Egypt, pp.42-46, 2013.
2. N.A. Elkhateeb, R. Badr, "Variable Population Size Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based Tuning of Optimal PID Controller", 2nd International Conference of Industrial Academia collaboration, Cairo, Egypt, 2015

Prof. Ragia I. Badr, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University

Prof. Hanan Kamal, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University
Nasr A. Elkhateeb 4 C.V

Soft Ware & Programming Language Skills:
1- Operating System : MS Windows.
2- Software : MS office
3- LaTex Editor
4- Software packages : MATLAB, Simulink.
5- Programming Languages:
- C/C++
- Object oriented programming: C++.
- Java Programming
- Good Assembly language.
6- Hardware Description Languages: VHDL, moderate Verilog.
7- Simulation software:
-Altera Tool (Max plus, Quartus),
-Mentor Tools (Leonardo Spectrum, Modelsim),
-Electronic Simulator (Pspice, Orcad)
8- Hardware design Tools:Good PCB design.
9- VLSI Design EDA Tool (L Edit)
10- Good Hardware testing Capability
11- Good Internet Searching Capability


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