Dr. Ahmed Metwally El-shinnawy

Personal Data:
Full Name: Ahmed Metwally El-shinnawy
Email: El_shinnawy80@hotmail.com
Date of Birth: 30-9-1980
Nationality: Egyptian
Marital Status: Married
Military Status: Finished

1. Bachelor of Physical Therapy, October 6 University, May 2001, Degree: Excellent.

2. Diploma in applied nutrition services (Jan 2015, grade excellent).

3. Master degree in neurology department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, September 2008.

4. Doctor's degree in neurology department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Mars 2015.

1. El-jasmine center (1 July 2002 to 1 July 2004)

2. Ibn Syna center (1 August 2001 to 15 June 2002)

3. Misr El-gdida hospital for army forces (1 September 2003 to 1 September 2004)

4. Elagouza rehabilitation center for Military crevice (1 July 2005 till 1 july 2007).

5. Dar El-Mona for Rehabilitation ( 1 May 2007 till 1 October 2010).

6. October 6 University as instructor (1 September 2002 till 31 October 2008) and as assistant lecturer (1 November 2008 till 28 February 2015).

7. Modern University for Technology and information as Lecturer (1 June 2015 till now)

1. YAT computer certificate in secretary {Word-Excel-PowerPoint-Windows-Internet-Filing skills}(24 July to 20 September 1999).

2. Emergency_1st AID (1 to 12 July 2000).

3. Sports Injury (1 to 5 September 2002).

4. Acupuncture (14 to 18 July 2002).

5. ICDL certificate (August 2009).

6. Shoulder and Knee Sport Injuries (9 to 30 March 2013).

7. Kinesiology Taping (4 April 2013).

8. Training program of Clinical nutrition and obesity (27/12/2012 to 7/6/2013).

9. Practical requirement of the program course in cupping therapy (30 credit hours, 20 to 23 October 2013, grade excellent).

10. Training program in Hospital Management (13 to17 June 2015)

Article Published:
1. Effect of Balance training on turning ability of geriatric stroke patient. International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation. 5(2): 39-47, 2106.

2. Trunk Control in Relation to Ventilatory Function in Chronic Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients. International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation. 5(3): 6-10, 2106.

Conference Attended:
1. Attendance the recognition of protocol of scientific cooperation between the Faculties of physical Therapy Dokuz Eylul university of Turkey and 6th of October University of Egypt, November 14th , 1999.

2. Attendance the Annual Scientific conference of Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University (2000, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2009).

3. Leadership for my colleague in institute of leaders developing in helwan from 4 July 2003 to 9 July 2003.

4. Participation in the conference of higher education and the challenges of development, 13-14 November 2012.

5. Attendance the 2nd scientific conference of the faculty of physical therapy, October 6 University. Under title "New era in peripheral nerve lesion", 4 April 2013.

6. Attendance the 4th annual conference of Egyptian Arabic society for healthy and therapeutic nutrition. Under title "Nutrition and Cancer", 19 March 2015.

Special Characters:
1. Hard worker, active, co-operative and motivated.
2. Accept criticism, Leadership ability and Fast learner.
3. Maintain high levels of professionalism at all times
4. Communicate and promote a positive atmosphere within the department staff.
5. Can work under pressure and for long hours.
6. Self-teaching using reference books and the internet.
7. Very good in hard and soft ware including typing skills in computer.
8. The head students for four years in my Faculty.


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اختر الفقرة الغنائية الأولى بحفل خريجي الجامعة الحديثة للتكنولوجيا والمعلومات يوم ٢٠ ابريل بمركز المنارة؟

اختر الفقرة الغنائية الأولى بحفل خريجي الجامعة الحديثة للتكنولوجيا والمعلومات يوم ٢٠ ابريل بمركز المنارة؟
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