الأخبار » Pharmacy

Dean of faculty of pharmacy gives a quick glance on spring semester 2016 and about Registration


Prof.Aly Mohamed el Shamy Dean of Pharmacy faculty gives a a quick glance on spring semester 2016 and it's started on Sunday 14th of February 2016 and about the Registration according to the regulations under the ministry of the education and at the final he talks about the rustles for the fall semester 2015 and it was so far was very good comparing with the last 4 years and the prof.Aly el shamy wish a good luck for the students in this spring semester 2016.


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اختر الفقرة الغنائية الأولى بحفل خريجي الجامعة الحديثة للتكنولوجيا والمعلومات يوم ٢٠ ابريل بمركز المنارة؟

اختر الفقرة الغنائية الأولى بحفل خريجي الجامعة الحديثة للتكنولوجيا والمعلومات يوم ٢٠ ابريل بمركز المنارة؟
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